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Forest Trees

Life & Wholeness

Soul Care Ministries
A partner with the International Association of Ministers and Ministries -


"Soul care is essentially learning to live our life with God. Soul care is not about us doing; it’s about what God is doing. We simply place ourselves in a position for God to care for us, attend to our souls, and let his agenda supersede ours. It is a space where we allow the Lover of our souls have his way — to tend, care, nurture, correct and guide – to renew our inner beings and fill us to overflowing with his love and care."  - Nathan Foster of

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Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him. Psalm 62:5


About Christy


I'm so glad you are here.  My hope is that wherever you are on your life journey, you will find peace and rest for your soul in the love and grace of God whose mercies are new every morning.  It would be a great joy for me to accompany you on a part of your journey.  Continue reading below to find out more about me and the ministry of reconciliation

(prayer ministry).



Christy's training and experience include a MA in Clinical Psychology from Wheaton College in 2000. 

After working in the field of Marriage and Family Therapy, she retired her license and is now following her passion to accompany people on their life journey in finding peace through the work of the Holy Spirit in integrative healing prayer.  Christy is trained in prayer ministry through Imago Dei Ministries in Portland, Oregon.  Her background includes working in church counseling centers, in non-profit counseling centers, and in private practice.   


Christy has enjoyed serving the community by mentoring teen girls, leading in the homeschool community, and leading spiritual groups.  She finds great joy spending time with her family whether at home or hiking the Sierra.  Her faith in Jesus Christ grounds her in the belief in our loving God who, through the Holy Spirit, desires to bring freedom from debilitating shame and liberate us to who we truly are as made in the image of God!

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Finding Freedom

Finding Freedom

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The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases:  

his mercies never come to an end;

they are new every morning;  great is your faithfulness!

Lamentations 3:22-23

​Philosophy and Approach to Ministry


Life and Wholeness is committed to making known the mystery of the image of God within each person, Christ Jesus, our hope of glory. It is him whom we proclaim so that we may present everyone mature in Christ. (Colossians 1:15-28)


The ministry of reconciliation (or prayer ministry) is not professional counseling, but rather a ministry led by the desire to see the light of Christ come into the dark places within hurting individuals. I approach prayer ministry as both an art and the application of various tools for unlocking the God-given potential within each person. I endeavor to minister to the whole person – spirit, soul, and body.


Good News!

"God, very God, became a man

and walks the paths of life searching for us

so that we might find him.

When we find him and follow him,

we discover he's always been with us

in all the joys and sorrows, brokenness and trauma, shame and fear.

As we continue to follow,

he restores the broken places

and makes us whole."


- Carl Shirley












Zen Stones

"I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with an unfailing kindness.  I will build you up again."

Jeremiah 31:3-4



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Contact Christy:

(916) 837-3827

Offering remote or
in-person services.

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